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How to Download &‌ Install ChatGPT‌ on Android &‌ iOS‌ Devices?

How to Download &‌ Install ChatGPT‌ on Android &‌ iOS‌ Devices?

ChatGPT is a large language model developed by OpenAI, based on the GPT-3.5 architecture. It is designed to understand and generate human-like text responses to a wide range of questions and topics. ChatGPT has been trained on a vast amount of text data from the internet and other sources, allowing it to provide accurate and informative answers to a wide variety of questions.

ChatGPT‌ is a chatbot AI‌ that has currently taken the internet by storm.  ChatGPT is having the high advanced options that allow you right the best blog posts, content, copywriting, YouTube script writing, and even the coding machine. However, the current version of ChatGPT‌ is 4, and if you want to use the Plus version of ChatGPT‌ then you have to pay monthly $20. Also, ChatGPT‌ is available for Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, and iOS. You can install ChatGPT on Windows, macOS, and Linux, using its application. With the same process, you can download and install ChatGPT‌ on your Android and iOS‌ devices.

Through, this guide you will learn step-by-step how to download &‌ install ChatGPT‌ on Android & iOS‌ devices. There are further extensions for the ChatGPT web version, like AIPRM (AI‌ Premium extension), and Google Search Engine Extensions. You can add the ChatGPT‌ extension from the Chrome Web Store for free. Once you have added the extension the ChatGPT‌ allow you to do your task separately.

The official application of ChatGPT‌ can be downloaded from GitHub. GitHub provides you with the complete versions of ChatGPT‌ for Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, and iOS. And ChatGPT built the ChatGPT‌ download website. Which allows you to directly download the ChatGPT‌ application from there.

How to Download &‌ Install ChatGPT‌ on Android &‌ iOS‌ Devices?

This is not the official application of ChatGPT, but again if you install it on your mobile device.‌ When you want to chat with‌ the ChatGPT‌ bot it will redirect you to the ChatGPT‌ website. Also, the next method is you can use your browser, and ChatGP‌T website to add the ChatGPT‌ shortcut on the mobile screen.

So, if you want to download and install the ChatGPT‌ on your Android and iOS‌ devices. Then on the Android device open up the Google Play Store, and on the iOS‌ open up the App Store. Once you opened it on the search bar type “ChatGPT‌ Unli”.

ChatGPT‌ Unli
ChatGPT‌ Unli

When the ChatGPT‌ Unli appeared click on Install, then wait for it until it should install.

Install ChatGPT
Install ChatGPT

While the ChatGPT‌ application is successfully installed on your mobile device click open.

Open ChatGPT
Open ChatGPT

Once the ChatGPT‌ is opened, on the main window click on the Home option.

Click Home
Click Home

Now click on Try it for free

Try it for free
Try it for free

Now the ChatGPT‌ is opened as you can see below down screenshot. Simply if you want to chat with ChatGPT on the search bar type anything, and it will give your answer.

Chat with ChatGPT
Chat with ChatGPT


This is the only way to download &‌ install ChatGPT‌ on your Android and iOS‌ devices. So, the next easy option is simply to navigate to the ChatGPT‌ website, on the main window click on Add to the screen. It will add the shortcut of ChatGPT‌ on your mobile screen.

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